Passenger Conduct
Please Keep These Tips in Mind
More people are discovering that riding MTA is a great way to save money by commuting. Because of that, ridership has soared to record levels. On routes across the system, buses are filling up with savvy passengers who know that public transportation Is more economical, reliable and safer. Add to the fact that it is the “Green” way to go! As the number of passengers increases, we ask you to keep these suggested rider tips in mind:
- Transit buses are designed to accommodate standing customers. If you can’t find a seat, hold onto the railing or a seat handle when the bus is moving.
- Your bus operator is a trained professional. MTA bus operators take extra care to assure the safety of all customers.
- Standing loads are common. In fact, in other cities, most commutes expect to stand at busy times.
- Have your fare ready. Pay and step back rather than digging for your fare after you board.
- Please have exact fare. MTA buses are equipped with electronic fare boxes designed to accept exact fare only. Fare boxes and drivers cannot give change.
- Move to the back. Leave room at the front of the bus so new customers can board quickly.
- Take one seat. Your bag or briefcase can rest on your lap-that way another customer can sit down.
- Exit at the rear door. You’ll avoid congestion at the front as other customers board.
- Cell phones- Please keep cell phone conversations at a low volume.
Passenger Conduct and Safety
- Possessing, selling, distributing, displaying or using any dangerous weapon on the premises/vehicles or threatening the use of any other object in such a manner that it may be considered a weapon is NOT allowed
- Purchase of an MTA pass is for one person and one seat. Please be considerate of others and keep empty seats open for fellow riders
- Riders should not move to board a bus until it is completely stopped and the door is open
- Riders should stay in their seats, if possible, when the bus is in motion
- Riders should leave their seats only after the bus has come to a complete stop at a bus stop
- Bus rules prohibit smoking, eating food and drinking beverages while on the bus
- Riders should not put any part of the body outside a window
- Loud talking, shouting or disorderly conduct is very distracting to the driver and should be avoided
- Any damage to the bus shall be paid for by the rider causing the damage
- All riders should help to keep the bus clean and sanitary on the inside
- Dress appropriately when riding MTA buses or transferring at the Customer Service Center
- Be courteous and obedient to your bus operator at all times
- These rules are not intended to be complete, they serve as a guide only