Woman in wheelchair exiting Your Ride bus using the wheelchair lift assisted by the driver.

ADA Paratransit Certification

Information on the ADA paratransit certification and application process.

Your Resource for Safe, Reliable Transportation

The Mass Transportation Authority is the ADA Certification agency authorized to provide public transportation services in Flint and Genesee County. The MTA is here to provide passengers with safe, reliable transportation services.

What is ADA Certification?

The main goal of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) is providing transportation that is totally accessible to people with disabilities. However, the law recognizes that some people with disabilities cannot use city buses even if it is accessible, and that alternative means of transportation are needed. Paratransit (Your Ride) service that is comparable to the regular bus service is the alternative for these passengers. Paratransit is transportation that is tailored to individual travel needs. The MTA meets this need with its Your Ride service, which is curb-to-curb transportation.

Pickup Window

The pickup window is defined as from 15 minutes before the scheduled pickup time to 15 minutes after the scheduled pickup time. Riders must be ready to board a vehicle that arrives within the pickup window. The driver will wait for a maximum of 5 minutes within the pickup window for the rider to appear.

Learn more about MTA’s No-show Policy.

ADA: Who Is Eligible?

Under ADA regulations, there are three categories of persons who are eligible for ADA paratransit service. An individual with a disability qualifies who:

  1. Is unable, as the result of a physical or mental impairment, to get on, ride or get off an accessible vehicle on the public bus system;OR
  2. Needs the assistance of a wheelchair lift or other boarding assistance device and is able, with such assistance, to get on, ride and get off an accessible vehicle BUT such a vehicle is not available on the route when the individual wants to travel;OR
  3. Has a specific impairment-related condition (including vision, or impairments causing disorientation) that prevents travel to and from a station or stop on the system. If a person who is ADA eligible uses a personal care attendant, the attendant may accompany the ADA eligible passenger at no cost. Persons who are ADA eligible may also bring a companion, who must pay the appropriate Your Ride fare. Additional companions may travel on the same trip if space is available.

ADA Persons may be eligible part or all of the time, depending on conditions that affect their mobility.

How To Apply for ADA Eligibility

To be certified as ADA eligible, passengers must submit an application and a professional verification. Application forms are provided by the MTA. The purpose of the application is to gather relevant information regarding the nature of the person’s disability and how it affects their ability to travel. The questions address ADA eligibility criteria, such as ability to travel to and from the bus stop, ability to get on and off of the bus, and need for any trips that may be accessible through the regular bus system. The ADA Coordinator has 21 days to determine eligibility once a complete application and professional verification are received. If a determination has not been made by the 22nd day and the application was complete, the applicant is presumed eligible unless the completed review determines otherwise. Persons who are presumed to be eligible may use Your Ride until eligibility status is determined. All information regarding applications and the application process is available in accessible formats on request. Persons who need assistance in completing the application can call the phone number below.

To Request an Application by Phone:
Call (810) 767-0100

In Writing:
MTA, Attn: Customer Service/ADA Coordinator
1401 S. Dort Hwy.
Flint, MI 48503

Hearing Impared:
Communication Access Center
V/TTY: (810) 239-3112
Open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

How ADA Eligibility is Determined

Persons wishing to become ADA eligible should request an application from the MTA. The application can be completed and submitted by the applicant. If requested to do so, MTA staff will help complete applications. Applicants must name a health professional who can verify their mobility limitations. MTA staff will review applications. Staff will determine eligibility based on the information provided.

If there is a question regarding eligibility, staff may contact the health professional named on the application. Staff has also identified resource persons in the community who are qualified to assist in reviewing applications when eligibility cannot be easily determined.

A decision regarding eligibility will be made within twenty-one days of the date that the COMPLETED application was received by the MTA. If a determination has not been made by the 22nd day and the application was complete, the applicant is presumed eligible unless the completed review determines otherwise. Persons who are presumed to be eligible may use Your Ride until their eligibility status is determined.

Applicants will be notified of the staff decision regarding their eligibility in writing or other accessible formats as required. If an application is approved, an ADA eligibility identification card will be sent to the applicant.

If applicants are conditionally eligible, they will be informed of the conditions under which they are ADA eligible. If an application is denied, the applicant will be informed of the reasons for denial. Persons who are granted conditional or temporary eligibility, or are denied eligibility, are advised of the MTA appeal process.

Appeal Process

An applicant for an ADA eligibility card who is denied eligibility or granted conditional or temporary eligibility, may appeal to the MTA’s Elderly and Disabled Local Advisory Council (LAC) within sixty (60) days of the initial decision. If the applicant chooses, a request for appeal may be made in writing, by fax or other appropriate format and addressed to the Chairperson of the LAC.

The appeal may be mailed to:
Chairperson – Elderly & Disabled LAC
1401 S. Dort Hwy.
Flint, MI 48503

Appeals letter may be faxed to:
(810) 237-8712

The applicant’s appeal will be heard at the LAC’s next regular meeting. The LAC meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. in the Administration building. At the LAC meeting, there will be an opportunity to hear from both the applicant and the MTA staff. The applicant may present additional information at this time. If a decision is not made within 30 days of the completion of the appeal process, the MTA is obligated to provide service until and unless it issues a decision to deny the appeal.

The LAC may seek independent expertise in its evaluation of the applicant’s ADA eligibility. The LAC will respond to the appeal with a decision in writing, or other appropriate format within (30) days of the appeal hearing. The notification will give reasons for the LAC’s decision.

Visitor Policy

Visitors to Genesee County may be eligible for ADA paratransit service. A visitor is any person who lives outside of Genesee County, and is visiting the Flint area for not more than 21 days in a 365 day period beginning with the visitor’s first use of the service during such 365 day period. Visitors must present documentation of their eligibility. This would be either:

  1. An ADA eligibility card issued by another transit agency, subject to a check by MTA’s staff with the paratransit coordinator of the issuing agency.
  2. Visitors who are from an area that does not have ADA paratransit service can establish eligibility through a combination of personal ID and documentation of their disability. The personal ID should show both a picture of the individual and identify the home address of their place of residence.
  3. If a visitor has an apparent disability, approval of the ADA eligibility card will be within 24 hours.

If visitors have not been certified as eligible by another public entity but claim they are ADA paratransit eligible, they are entitled to “presumptive eligibility” and shall be provided with 21 days of paratransit service.

If visitors will be in the Flint area and using MTA paratransit service for more than twenty one (21) days, they must apply for an MTA ADA eligibility card.

For additional information or questions, call Customer Service: (810) 767-0100.

Alternative Formats

The MTA is dedicated to providing safe, reliable transportation services to all persons within Genesee County. MTA strives to provide information in formats that all passengers can use. All MTA schedules and MTA public documents such as brochures, flyers, and other general public information are available in alternate formats including:

  • Braille
  • CD
  • 14 Point Large Print

Learn how to request information in an alternative format.